Clave: IDS-948

House en Barrio Santo Domingo
Tepoztlan, Morelos.

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Style: Colonial Security: Monitoring surveillance system
Lot: 1,562.00 m² Type of lot: Flat
Construction: 499.00 m² Levels: 2
Age: 15 years Condition: Excellent
Breakfast area: Yes Living Room: Yes
Dining Room: Yes Bedrooms: 10
Baths: 14 Closets: Included
Kitchen: With equipment Stationary gas: Yes
Service quarters: With bath Cistern: 4
Garage: 8 Garden: Very large
Pool: With equipment Municipal water: Yes
Central heat and air: Heating Phone lines: 1
Located: On street Traffic: Nil
Sale: $16,250,000
Mexican pesos
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Originally built in different phases this spacious luxurious 6 bedroom home comes with the amenities of an award winning five star home.

In Tepoztlan we have enjoyed safe and private living away from the crime, politics, and pandemics of the world. This property has the best quality of everything and we have kept it at a constant level of top maintenance and repair. It functions, unlike other properties typical to the area, at the same level of quality as a multi million dollar home in the Los Angeles or major city areas of first world countires. It is documented in studies that life expectancy is higher in Tepoztlan then any other location in Mexico. Your living at 1524 meters or 5000 feet above sea level here with fresh non polluted mountain air and ideal year round temperatures. You are one and a half hours drive from the Mexico City airport affording you easy transportation to world wide destinations. 

Construction: Two separate homes.

Land: 1,562.41 m/2, 16,817.641 square feet

Construction: 895.00 m/2, 9,634 square feet

High security walls with pointed spikes surround the entire property.

Four cisterns.

Four septic tanks.

23 meter active well with drinkable spring water.

Features marble and carved stone.

Automatic computer generator for electricity.

Immaculate gardens.

Pond with fish and waterfall.


Jacuzzi: outdoor for six people

Front and Back entrance to the property 

This perfectly appointed property with its picturesque setting, offers an abundance of possibilities and opportunities  such as two separate homes, or a complete compound for a large family or for someone who loves to entertain and focus on their guest's comfort and privacy. 

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